Jetstream Reinvisioned
Today we finally had a look at the new facilities set up by Jason Stoch of Jetstream Custom Auto. The size of the new building probably makes it the largest restoration facility in BC, with separate space for painting, clean builds and trimming.
As usual, the influx and variety of jobs shows the capability the of Jason and his head painter Sean W of Punisher Paint to tackle any job.

The Building is massive from the outside. Located at the rear of Peninsula Mini Storage 2072 Henry Avenue.

Owner/Operator Jason Stoch and Austin Healey afficianto Earl Kagna overlook the Florida Green Healey while a stripped BJ8 in behind is just getting started.

No task is too big for Jetsream. Here they are modifying an old Morgan body to fit on a Honda S2000 chassis.

The paint prep area has its own lift and plenty of space. In the forefront is a fabulous Ferrari 330 GTC.

Plenty of space for Sean W to mix up Dupont’s finest. The metallic colors this system can produce is astounding.