BJ8 Restoration: Part 5: The Engine
Today we picked up our Healey 3000 engine from Mid-Island Engine and Machine in Duncan.
Scott and Chuck have a great facility and have proven extremely capable for this job.
They gave us a breif tour of the shop which had some pretty impressive machines.
For our Healey engine, Mid-Island balanced all the rotating masses, grinded the valves and fit new hardned valve seats.
- Chuck in the front lobby
- Vertical boring machine and assembly area
- Sunnen CK10 Automatic Cylinder Resizing Machine
- Reamers & Cutters for the Sunnen CK10
- Scott shows off the Robbi Rex 1200 Crankshaft Grinder
- Sunnen VGS 20 Valve Guide and Seat Machine
- Rottler VR9 Valve Refacing Machine
- Decking/Surfacing machine
- Engine Brake Room
- Finished engine block from Mid-Island Machine
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