MG TF: Tool Roll


Today we assembled the Tools for our 1954 MG TF restoration project. Many of these tuck into the ammunition box that is welded into the front firewall except the starting crank that is fastened to the rear bodywork.

Subtle details include an Enots grease gun with a Black Oxide/Blued barrel and the correct King Dick pliers with new wrinkle finish.

It took many talents to bring this kit together including a new roll from the The In-Point PTY Limited who manufacture a replica bag with the correct latex covered hessian/jute material.

A few of the items are original to the car and came in the ammunition box including 2 of the open spanners and all the box-spanners. Many of the scarcer items cam from Hugh Pite including the rare king dick feeler gauge, a short-handle ball peen hammer and an original King Dick jack with handle!

According the very excellent Original MGTF Midget website our kit is now very complete:

King Dick Ring-Type tappet spanner
King Dick Ring Spanner for cylinder head nuts
King Dick .019 Tappet Feeler Gauge
¾-pound ball peen hammer
King Dick Pliers
ENOTS No.1 Grease Gun
Two Dunlop Tire Levers
Tire Valve Spanner
Lucas Distributor Feeler and screwdriver
Unlabelled Shelly-Type Tyre Pump
King Dick Set of Box Spanners
King Dick Set of Open Spanners
King Dick Adjustable spanner
King Dick 1077 Jack
King Dick Jack Handles
6-Inch Tommy Bar
THOR knock-off hammer






Here is the King Dick 1077 Jack sitting in its new home, the ammunition box fitted with white felt.


4 Comments to MG TF: Tool Roll

  1. Donald Pohlig says:

    Can you provide a 1954 MGTF tool roll? if so, how much would it cost?

  2. Jeffrey Brown says:

    The grease gun should be a 1H model. It looks like yours is missing the nozzle cap.

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